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"Maryborough Queensland. Morning sun on the side of the Courthouse built in 1877." by denisbin is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0


Maryborough is one of the most beautiful, history-rich destinations in Queensland.

Also known as the Heritage City, this town boasts several breathtaking historic buildings and its original settlement site.

Maryborough Accommodation, Hotels, Caravan Park, Weather, Rentals, Qld

Visiting the town will take you back in time as you learn about how it evolved through the decades into what is now one of the most important centres in Queensland. It’s located on the Mary River, 254 km north of Brisbane, and is named after Lady Mary Fitzroy, the wife of Governor Sir Charles Augustus Fitzroy, who served as Governor of the NSW Colony from 1846 to 1855. Before the Mary River was named after her, the town was called the Wide Bay though the Badtjala First Nation peoples referred to it as Moonaboola, Booie, Numabulla, or Mooraboocoola.

Maryborough is famously associated with Mary Poppins, and if you were a fan, your childhood memories will come alive when you walk down its historic streets. It’s where PL Travers was born, the very author of the sensational Mary Poppins book. Don’t miss out on the city walk, which is the best way to experience many of the impressive heritage buildings in town. There are many highlights, including the City Hall, a large building found at the end of the main street. It was built in American Colonial style back in 1908.

Another is the Royal hotel, which maintained its Royal Crest for more than 150 years because it was given the status of a hotel with royal patronage. In 2009, its hotel license was already cancelled though it’s still noteworthy because of its reputation as a fine hotel with excellent hospitality since 1856. Another highlight is the Maryborough Post Office, built in 1866 in an elegant design. It’s a reflection of the booming financial status of the town because of the Gympie gold rush. It’s also interesting to note that it’s the oldest post office in Queensland.

Maryborough is home to all these and more, so be sure to include it in your itinerary. Make sure you check out the range of accommodation options in town, including some hotels, motels, caravan parks, guesthouses, apartments and B&Bs.

About the author

Michael Jones

Michael created and runs the Sunshine Coast Point website, as well as the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel (having visited the Sunshine Coast many times and seeing a lot of the region), Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

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